Governors Delivery Unit.
Establishment of the Governor’s Delivery Unit (GDU)
The Governor’s Delivery Unit (GDU) was created by the Governor of Isiolo County guided by Articles 174 on the objects of devolution and in particular, Article 174(f) read together with Section 117 of the County Governments Act on Standards and norms for public service delivery. GDU was created in full realization of the need to accelerate development through improved service delivery. It is recognized that improvement in service delivery is the key to sustainable development. GDU’s purpose is to drive performance improvements in critical service delivery areas. Specifically, the unit’s mandate is to ensure that the Governor’s development priorities are implemented effectively and efficiently so that they achieve tangible performance improvements and significant results on the ground. GDU is, therefore, a high-performance team tasked with identifying priority areas, as well as using data and processes to ensure that the public sector delivery achieves specific outcomes. The unit, therefore, consists of dedicated officers focused exclusively on achieving impact, improving outcomes, and generating recommendations geared towards the formulation of policies and strategies necessary to improve service delivery.
- To support the Governor in executing his Constitutional responsibilities and in leading and galvanizing the whole county government and other stakeholders to implement the electoral mandate;
- Strengthen institutional mechanisms for outcomes performance management;
- To put in place systems for innovative ways to implement programs and projects with high impacts and low delivery risk to the county
- To spearhead public sector transformation, and performance improvement in critical service delivery areas and to ensure that all energies and efforts are properly aligned to promote a delivery system that holds people responsible hierarchically, with rewards and sanctions as appropriate.
Director of Information and Public Communication
The Director of Information and Public Communication, Antony Kiarie Kimemia is a holder of M .A. Project planning and Management.

Mr. Antony Kiarie Kimemia
Director of Information and Public Communication
Director of Efficiency Monitoring
The Director of efficiency Monitoring, Umuro Hassan Osman started his career in ...

The Governor's Delivery Unit Technical Team
Mr. Hussein Ali Mohamed
Chief Public Communication Officer
Ms. Kabale Jimale
Monitoring and Evaluation Officer
Ms. Nuria Abdulahi
Monitoring and Evaluation Officer
Ms. Amina Abdi Ismail
Administrative Officer
Ms. Madina Golicha
Liaison Officer
I. County Transformation Programme (CTP) which is focused on public service transformation through;
Re-engineering the organizational performance management system to promote human resource planning, deployments, appraisals, rewards, and sanctions.
Strengthen systems to provide for effective planning and budgeting and implementation tracking to ensure support to government activities up to the lowest level possible.
To move service delivery to e-platform as a tool for ensuring an effective registry system and record keeping that is responsive to changing needs of government, and
Information generation and sharing to the public and branding of the county.
II. Accelerated Development Programme (ADP) is focused on implementing development projects.
This entails putting in place mechanisms to ensure; effective project design, costing, procurement, contractor management, and overall project implementation within the financial year to reduce to less than 10 percent of projects carried forward to another financial year and improved budget absorption rate.
III. Governor’s Priority Areas
- Improve market infrastructure to modern standards to promote value addition and commerce.
- Strengthen early childhood education through construction, repair, and maintenance, deployment of instructors, and provision of teaching aid and equipment to improve access and quality of education
- Training and skill development for the youth through bursary schemes, scholarships, and strengthening of Vocational Training Centre (VTCs) in terms of human capital and infrastructure.
- Compliance with Access to Government Procurement Opportunities (AGPO) for the affirmative action.
- Improved access through construction, tarmacking, and maintenance of county road network and bridges.
- Improve health facilities to promote a healthy society through construction, equipping, supply of commodities, and deployment of adequate staff to all health facilities and universal health coverage.
- Wealth creation by enhancing cooperative movement, and promoting value addition in agriculture and fisheries.
- Guaranteeing secure food for the county through increased livestock and crop production.
- Environmental protection, provision of clean and safe water, and enshrining climate change in the development agenda.
Play a key role in the development of; intervention designs, sector strategies, and M&E frameworks
Support inputs into program or projects’ review documents
Validating and verifying core indicators against the different sources of information
Review, validate, and analysis of incoming results data from departments and stakeholders
Visit field sites and partners to collect; supplementary data, and success stories and, to conduct qualitative and quantitative research both independently and in county teams
Work with Monitoring and Evaluation departments’ focal persons and other staff to ensure that county activities are implemented on the plan, and progress towards targets is not compromised
Validating and verifying core indicators against different sources of data and information
Addressing failures in interdepartmental coordination that limit the progress made on commitments, helping to detect their presence and working to mitigate them, and providing backing for the interdepartmental decision-making coordination process.
- Regularly document and share all learning from the project and or program implementation
Maintain an up-to-date database that reflects progress and program indicators
Build the capacity of the unit’s staff to develop and maintain an excellent M&E system
Facilitate the county and stakeholders in periodic reflection and analysis of project monitoring information that feeds into the county programming and learning
Maintain an active advisory role with the county team to help guide them towards robust and relevant data collection and information dissemination
Actively participate in; all project planning and implementation, providing advice and feedback for quality results at any point
Establish and maintain strong working relationships with development partners and other government departments.
Preparing information and public communications reports/briefs.
Ensuring professional ethics and consistency in information gathering and
dissemination in Departments.
Liaising with Departments on cross-cutting issues that need to be centrally disseminated to the public.
Development and implementation of government communication and media
Coordinating public communication services content development and dissemination in line with the County Governments Act, 2012.
Providing editorial, strategic, creative, and operational support to ensure communication is both influential and informative and builds County's brand reputation.
Drafting, editing, and disseminating government information materials for the press.
Liaising with media practitioners and the public on issues of mutual concern.
Managing the updating of the website and social media platforms.
Initiate, develop and maintain good working relationships with media houses,
reporters, and editors.
The Continuous development of communication content for social media networking platforms.
Planning and overseeing maintenance of publicly accessible information material on the government and its plans, policies, activities, and achievements.
Timely reporting to citizens and other stakeholders on county progress towards fulfilling the governor’s commitments and obligations.
Support timely production of; weekly, monthly, quarterly and annual county M&E reports based on agreed performance indicators.
• Regular/continuous monitoring of all the flagship projects with evident reports in place
• Field visits to other development implementation sites accompanied by field reports
• Data collection at the departmental level, that will help in the production of progress reports
• Produced County Newsletters and County Bulletin
• Developed state of the County Address Report
• Creation and continuous updating of the county government's modern website
• Contributed to the development of policies as follows; DRM policy, M&E policy, and Gender policy
• Contributed and supported the county in the development of County Plans as follows;
- Contingency Plan, Multi-hazard (County Emergency Operations) plan, Program Based Budgeting plan, Communication Crisis Plan, Logistics Capacity Assessment, Participatory Disaster Risk Analysis, Participatory Scenario Planning, Vulnerability Assessment Mapping survey.
- • Contributed to the development of county systems as;